Publications of Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe

  • > Final reports

    The following final reports are currently available:

    The final reports are available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.




    Inventory of the situation of trace substances at wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Württemberg
    - study report -

    Dipl.-Ing. W. Rau
    Dr.-Ing. S. Metzger


    Investigation of the binding behaviour of powder activated carbon with regard to micropollutants under anaerobic conditions.
    - final report -

    M. Eng. J. Meckes
    Dr.-Ing. S. Metzger
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Kapp


    Expansion of the Mannheim wastewater treatment plant to include an adsorption stage in order to improve the wastewater treatment:
    reduction of estrogen-active substances in wastewater by means of powder activated carbon
    - review of the effectivity by fish monitoring and accompanying analysis -

    Dipl.-Ing. (FH) A. Rößler
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Kapp


    Expansion of the Mannheim wastewater treatment plant to include an adsorption stage in order to improve wastewater treatment:
    - report on micropollutants -

    Dr.-Ing. S. Metzger
    Dipl.-Ing. (FH) A. Rößler
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Kapp


    Employment of powder activated carbon for the tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater

    published as a book:
    Oldenbourg-Industrieverlag, Munich (2010)
    ISBN: 978-3-8356-3231-8

    Dr.-Ing. S. Metzger

  • > Recommended courses of action

    KomS – Recommended course of action for comparative checks and operational monitoring of the fourth treatment stage

    The Recommended course of action for comparative checks and operational monitoring of the fourth treatment stage is available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    KomS – Recommended course of actionPDF
    Documentation VKPDF.xlsx
    Documentation PDF.xlsx
    Worksheet mixed sample
    72-h mixed sample

    Worksheet mixed sample
    48-h mixed sample

  • > Project folder

    KomS Baden-Württemberg project folder

    The project folder for Baden-Wurttemberg contains reports written and events organised by the Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe Baden-Wurttemberg as well as project profiles of wastewater treatment plants regarding the topic of micropollutants removal in Baden-Wurttemberg.

    Please download the project folder.

    The project folder for Baden-Wurttemberg is available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

  • > Conference transcript

    The conference proceedings are available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    Conference proceedings of the 5-year anniversary of micropollutants competence centres

    5-year anniversary of micropollutants competence centres KomS BW,
    KOM-M.NRW and VSA Plattform

    28/29 June 2017 in Friedrichshafen

    110 pages, DIN-A5

    Price: EUR 39,00 incl. VAT plus shipping.
    (20 % discount for DWA sponsor members)


    Conference proceedings of the KomS-Technologieforum on micropollutants

    7th KomS-Technologieforum micropollutants
    6th October 2016 in Lahr

    209 pages, DIN-A5

    Price: EUR 39,00 incl. VAT plus shipping.
    (20 % discount for DWA sponsor members)


    Conference proceedings of the congress on micropollutants in the aquatic environment

    2nd Congress on micropollutants in the aquatic environment
    13/14 June 2016 in Ulm

    140 pages, DIN-A5

    Price: EUR 30,00 € incl. VAT plus shipping.
    (20 % discount for DWA sponsor members)


    Conference proceedings of the congress on micropollutants in the aquatic environment

    Congress on micropollutants in the aquatic environment
    10/11 July 2013 in Mannheim

    145 pages, DIN-A5

    Price: EUR 25,00 incl. VAT plus shipping.
    (20 % discount for DWA sponsor members)


    Conference proceedings of the congress on activated carbon in wastewater treatment

    Congress on activated carbon in wastewater treatment
    23/24 June 2010 Mannheim

    The conference proceedings comprises 170 pages of different technical contributions on the topic of activated carbon in wastewater treatment.

    170 pages, DIN-A5

    Price: EUR 25,00 incl. VAT plus shipping.
    (20 % discount for DWA sponsor members)


  • > Publications
    New publication - Micropollutants in wastewater

    Active substances in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, cosmetic products, cleaning products, industrial chemicals and other products: a multitude of substances contained in our wastewater continue to enter bodies of water, causing severe harm to the ecosystem, even though the extension of wastewater treatment plants has progressed to an exhaustive degree. However, an advanced treatment stage is able to eliminate the majority of these micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants. This way, bodies of water can be protected much better and at more reasonable costs than by using conventional technology, which reaches its limits with regard to micropollutants.

    1st edition, June 2021
    25 pages, A4

    You can download our brochure here (PDF file).

    The publications are available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.


    Occurrence of trace substances in wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Württemberg
    RÖßLER, A.; RAU, W.; METZGER, S. WASSER UND ABFALL, Springer Vieweg Verlag Wiesbaden 6/2018, pp 40-49.


    Elimination of organic micropollutants from municipal wastewater: Situation in Germany
    WUNDERLIN, P., Aqua & Gas No 1 | 2017, pp 38-41.


    Application of SAC254 measurement for the assessment of micropollutant removal in the adsorptive treatment stage of a municipal wastewater treatment plant
    RÖßLER, A.; METZGER, S.Water Practice & Technology Vol 11 No 2; p.503-515.2015

    Measures to reduce the contamination of water bodies with micropollutants. Phase 2
    HILLENBRAND, T.; TETTENBORN, F.; MENGER-KRUG, E.; MARSCHEIDER-WEIDEMANN, F.; FUCHS, S.; TOSHOVSKI, S.; METZGER, S.; TJOENG, I.; WERMTER, P.; HECHT, D.; KERSTING, M.; WERBECK, N.; WUNDERLIN, P. in collaboration with Yannis Geiger, Lara Wöhler, Florian Zörb, Natalie Palm, Susanne Tettinger, Helmut Karl et al., editor: Umweltbundesamt (UBA). Dessau-Roßlau (Texte, 60/2016).

    Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe Baden-Wurttemberg focuses on the removal of micropollutants from wastewater
    METZGER, S. WASSER UND ABFALL, Springer Vieweg Verlag Wiesbaden 5/2016, year 18, pp 35–38.


    Measures to reduce the contamination of water bodies with micropollutants

    Fourth treatment stage now – pros and cons
    METZGER, S.; HEIN, A.; SCHWENTNER, G.; HILLER, G.; KAPP, H. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 2015, year 62, issue 5, pp 407–409.

    Costs of micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants – experiences gathered in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S.; TJOENG, I.O.; RÖßLER, A.; SCHWENTNER, G.DIE GEMEINDE – Zeitschrift für die Städten und Gemeinden, organ of the Baden-Wurttemberg community council, self-published, Stuttgart (138) 11/2015, pp549–553

    Status of the extension of wastewater treatment plants to include a stage for targeted micropollutants removal
    METZGER, S.; RÖßLER, A.; TÜRK, J.; ANTAKYALI, D.; SCHULZ, J.; WUNDERLIN, P.; MEIER, A. WWT Modernisierungsreport 2015/16. HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH, Berlin, pp14–19.


    Combination of source-oriented and downstream measures to reduce emissions of micropollutants in urban areas
    HILLENBRAND, T.; TETTENBORN, F.; MENGER-KRUG, E.; FUCHS, S.; TOSHOVSKI, S.; METZGER, S.; TJOENG, I.; WERMTER, P.; KERSTING, M.; ABEGGLEN, C. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 2014 (61), issue 11, pp 1019–1028.

    Costs of using powder activated carbon for micropollutants removal based on the example of completed facilities and facilities under construction
    METZGER, S.; TJOENG, I.; RÖßLER, A.; SCHWENTNER, G.; RÖLLE, R. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 2014 (61) issue 11, pp 1029–1037.

    The Albstadt-Ebingen wastewater treatment plant: 20 years of using powder activated carbon in full flow
    VOGEL, H.-J.; BAUR, S.; TRIEBSKORN, R.; RÖßLER, A.; METZGER, S. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 2014 (61), issue 10, pp 902907.

    Occurance and removal of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants that use activated carbon in Baden-Wurttemberg
    RÖßLER, A.; METZGER, S. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 2014 (61) issue 5, pp 427–435.

    Fish embryo tests with Danio rerio as a tool to evaluate surface water and sediment quality in rivers influenced by wastewater treatment plants using different treatment technologies
    THELLMANN, P.; KÖHLER, H.-R.; RÖßLER, A.; SCHEURER, M.; SCHWARZ, S.; VOGEL, H.-J.; TRIEBSKORN, R. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Online available at:


    Using activated carbon to eliminate micropollutants from wastewater
    METZGER, S; HILDEBRAND, A.; PRÖGEL-GOY, C. DIE GEMEINDE – Zeitschrift für die Städten und Gemeinden, organ of the Baden-Wurttemberg community council, self-published, Stuttgart 5/2013.

    Micropollutants elimination in wastewater treatment plants
    SCHWENTNER, G.; KREMP, W.; MAURITZ, A.; HEIN, A.; METZGER, S.; RÖßLER, A. Wasserwirtschaft wassertechnik wwt, ISSN 1438-5716, HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH, Berlin, 4/2013.


    Micropollutantsremoval by means of powder activated carbon in Baden-Wurttemberg
    RÖßLER, A.; METZGER, S.WWT Modernisierungsreport 2012/2013, Huss-Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp 20–22

  • > Presentations


    Benefits of the analysis of micropollutants in wastewater treatment
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the analytika conference in Munich on 11 May 2017.

    Implementation of and practical experience with the elimination of micropollutants in Baden-Württemberg
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the VSA training seminar on ‘Micropollutants’ in Emmetten, Switzerland on 1‒3 June 2016. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Technical developments in wastewater treatment regarding the elimination of micropollutants
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the ‘Micropollutants in the aquatic environment’ congress organised by the DWA Baden-Württemberg regional chapter in Ulm, Germany on 13/14 June 2016. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Use of powder activated carbon in municipal wastewater treatment plants ‒ current status in Baden-Württemberg
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the 27th Mülheimer Wassertechnisches Seminar organised by the IWW on 15 June 2016.

    Elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants: Experiences and developments from 5 years of KomS in Baden-Württemberg
    METZGER, S. AND HILDEBRAND, A., presentation held at the 7th KomS Technology Forum, organised by the DWA BW regional chapter on 6 October 2016. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Application of SAK254 to assess the elimination of micropollutants
    RÖßLER, A., presentation held at the 7th KomS Technology Forum Micropollutants in Lahr on 6 October 2016. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Investigations for simultaneous application of powder activated carbon
    NEEF, J., presentation held at the 7th KomS Technology Forum Micropollutants in Lahr on 6 October 2016. Published in the conference proceedings.


    The fourth treatment stage of municipal wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the ‘Micropollutants in rivers’ seminar in Rauischholzhausen on 17/18 November 2015, organised by the Hesse Agency of Agriculture, training seminar Rauischholzhausen.

    Experiences with powder activated carbon for micropollutants removal in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the ‘Micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants – necessities, procedures, costs’ DWA seminar in Berlin on 17 November 2015, published in the conference proceedings.

    Status of micropollutants removal in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the DWA BW regional chapter meeting in Pforzheim on 15/16 Octomber2015, published in the conference proceedings.

    Removal of micropollutants using powder activated carbon: investigations conducted for the Mühlhausen main wastewater treatment plant in Stuttgart
    Zawadski, S. Presentation held at the DWA BW regional chapter meeting in Pforzheim on 15/16October2015, published in the conference proceedings.

    Use of activated carbon in wastewater treatment plants
    BENSTÖM, F.; METZGER, S. Presentation held at the 2nd WWTP meeting in Kassel on 6 October2015, organised by DWA, published in the conference proceedings.

    Processes of micropollutants removal and status of the fourth treatment stage in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the Meeting of Teachers and Coordinators of the DWA Baden-Wurttemberg regional chapter in Stuttgart on 25 March 2015, published in the conference proceedings.

    Fourth treatment stage in wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Wurttemberg: micropollutants analytics and experience regarding the treatment performance.
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the AQA-Annual Meeting 2014/2015 on in Stuttgart 3 December 2015.


    Pollution of wastewater treatment plants with micropollutants according to current studies
    METZGER, S.; TJOENG, I.; RÖßLER, A. Presentation held at the Expert Forum for Wastewater Treatment Plants in Stuttgart on 27 November 2014, organised by the DWA Baden-Wurttemberg regional chapter, published in the conference proceedings.

    Experiences gathered with powder activated carbon for micropollutants removal in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. ‘Micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants: necessities, processes, costs’ DWA seminar, organised by DWA in Kassel on 18 November 2014, published in the conference proceedings.

    Use of online measurement technology for process monitoring when using powder activated carbon
    METZGER, S.; RÖßLER, A. Presentation held at the 25th Magdeburg Wastewater Day on 18/19 September, organised by the Hach-Lange company, published in the conference proceedings, pp133–146.

    Micropollutants removal with powder activated carbon in wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Wurttemberg: Research results, 2013.
    RÖßLER, A. Presentation held at the KomS Technology Forum on Micropollutants in Neu-Ulm on 16/17 July 2014, published in the conference proceedings.

    Investigations regarding the binding behaviour of powder activated carbon regarding micropollutants under anaerobic conditions
    MECKES, J. Presentation at the KomS Technology Forum in Neu-Ulm on 16/17 July 2014, published in the conference proceedings.

    Recommended course of action for comparative checks and operational monitoring of the fourth treatment stage in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the KomS Technology Forum in Neu-Ulm on 16/17 July 2014, published in the conference proceedings.

    Micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants – experiences gained in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S.; RÖßLER, A. Presentation held at the 47th Essen conference in Essen on 19–21 March 20, p1ublished in: Gewässer – Wasser – Abwasser, Volume 234, Aachen.


    Experiences gathered with powder activated carbon for micropollutants removal in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. ‘Micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants: necessities, processes, costs’ DWA seminar, organised by DWA in Siegburg on 14 November 2013, published in the conference proceedings.

    Cost-benefit aspects of micropollutants removal. Congress on ‘Micropollutants in the aquatic environment’
    METZGER, S. Organised by the DWA Baden-Wurttemberg regional chapter in Mannheim on 10/11 July2014, published in the conference proceedings.

    Micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Wurttemberg
    METZGER, S. Teacher and chairman discussion at the DWA Baden-Wurttemberg regional chapter, Stuttgart-Büsnau, 20 March 2013, published in the conference proceedings.

    Use of partially loaded carbon gained from waterworks for micropollutants removal in wastewater treatment
    RIEGEL, M.; METZGER, p. 27. Drinking water colloquium at the University of Stuttgart, 21 February 2013, published in: Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Volume 213, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag GmbH Munich, pp 117–131.


    Micropollutant elimination in municipal wastewater treatment plants by means of powder activated carbon
    METZGER, S. Presentation held at the congress of the ‘Abwasser.Praxis’ trade fair in Offenburg on 18 October 2012. Summary published in the conference proceedings, p. 40.

    Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe Baden-Wurttemberg: Results regarding the removal of micropollutants in municipal wastewater treatment plants by operating an adsorption stage
    METZGER, S., presentation held at 87th Sanitary Economic Colloquium at the University of Stuttgart on 11 October 2012. Published in: Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Volume 211, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag GmbH Munich, pp 39–48.

    Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe Baden-Württemberg: Results on the elimination of micropollutants in municipal wastewater treatment plants by operating an adsorption stage
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the 87th Sanitary Economic Colloquium at the University of Stuttgart on 11 October 2012. Published in: Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Volume 211, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag GmbH Munich, pp 39‒48.

    Improvement of wastewater treatment in the Mannheim wastewater treatment plant by operating an adsorption stage
    METZGER, S., presentation held the Symposium Aktivkohle ‘Activated carbon in wastewater treatment plant operation’ in Sindelfingen, Germany on 5 July 2012, organised by the DWA Baden-Württemberg regional chapter. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Experience report on wastewater treatment plants with an ‘activated carbon treatment stage’
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the 47th Dienstbesprechung Kommunales Abwasser und Gewässerschutz by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg on 4 July 2012. Published in the conference proceedings.

    Elimination of micropollutants using powder activated carbon in Baden-Württemberg.
    METZGER, S., presentation held at the 2nd Fachsymposium Mikroschadstoffe. NRW in Düsseldorf, Germany on 21 June 2012, organised by Kompetenzzentrum Mikroschadstoffe.NRW in cooperation with the DWA NRW regional chapter and the BWK NRW regional chapter.

  • > Flyers

    Imageflyer KomS

DWA Landesverband Baden-Württemberg
Rennstraße 8 | 70499 Stuttgart | Phone: 0711 89 66 31-0 | E-Mail:

© Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. // (DWA)

DWA Landesverband

Rennstraße 8 | 70499 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 89 66 31-0

© Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. // (DWA)