DWA Publications

  • > Flyers "Themenfaltblatt"

    The flyer "Themenfaltblatt" is available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    Flyer "Themenfaltblatt" ‘What can go in the toilet’ DIN long, 12 pages

    This flyer gives a compact and comprehensible description of what belongs in the toilet or in the waste bin and which wastes must be
    disposed of separately in German and ten other languages. This flyer is used especially as information for persons applying for asylum and
    includes the following languages: German, Amharic, Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Kurdish, Pashto, Russian, Somali, Tigrinya.

    Further information and order:
    Toilet topic flyer

  • > Brochure "DWA-Themen"

    The brochures "DWA-Themen" are available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    Anthropogenic micropollutants, pathogens and antibiotic resistance
    in the hydrological cycle ‒ relevance, pathogens and elimination

    The thematic issue on ‘Anthropogenic micropollutants’ is currently marketed free of charge thanks to funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and can be ordered via info@dwa.de.

    The research project on ‘Typifying, communicating and minimising risks caused by new pollutants and pathogens in the hydrological cycle ‒ TransRisk’ has provided the foundation of this DWA topic issue. The project was funded as part of the ‘Sustainable water management ‒ NaWaM’ BMBF funding project and concluded after 3.5 years in April 2015.

    As anthropogenic micropollutants, their transformation products and ecotoxological effects as well as pathogens and antibiotic resistance can now be detected, water quality can be comprehensively typified using a multi-disciplinary approach. By applying the combined process of ‘Ozone treatment and filtration using granulated activated carbon’, it was possible to largely eliminate the micropollutants under analysis and their transformation products.

    Please find below the PDF file of the topic issue for free-of-charge download: DWA TransRisk topic issue

    Approaches to eliminating anthropogenic micropollutants

    This thematic issue describes the problems related to the elimination of anthropogenic micropollutants in municipal
    wastewater treatment plants and summarises the relevant aspects and latest findings regarding the removal of
    micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants. In addition to general information on anthropogenic
    micropollutants in the water cycle, this issue provides important information on the legal boundary conditions and
    the problems of sampling, analysis and toxicological evaluation.

    Further information an order:
    Approaches to eliminating anthropogenic micropollutants

    Impact of transformation products on the water cycle

    The thematic issue especially describes transformation products formed of highly water-soluble and moderately
    absorbing micropollutants due to abiotic or biotic changes in the environment or during industrial processes.

    Further information and order:
    Impact of transformation products on the water cycle

    Anthropogenic trace pollutants in the water cycle – pharmaceuticals

    This thematic issue examines the methods of assessing human and ecotoxicology of pharmaceuticals and
    indicates potential dangers, possibilities for action and the need for research in order to prevent anthropogenic
    micropollutants in the aquatic environment. In addition attention is drawn to regulatory and legislative loopholes at
    national and European level, for example in the Water Framework Directive.

    Further information and order:
    Anthropogenic trace pollutants in the water cycle – pharmaceuticals

  • > Brochure "Merkblätter"

    The borchure "Merkblätter" is available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    Wastewater from hospitals and other medical facilities

    The information sheet provides information about the various wastewater collecting points and the
    characteristic contents of the different wastewater streams. The areas of normal and intensive care, the
    surgical area and the Infectious and Nuclear Medicine wards are described with regard to their wastewater amounts.

    Further information and order:
    Wastewater from hospitals and other medical facilities

  • > Brochure "Im Klartext"

    The brochure "Im Klartext - Schadstoffspuren im Wasserkreislauf" is available in German and will have to be translated independently if required.

    Micropollutants in the water cycle

    Micropollutants enter the wastewater treatment plants in the wastewater where the variety of chemical
    compounds cannot be completely removed from the wastewater. Thus, the treated wastewater, which still
    contains micropollutants, enters rivers and lakes where it can be harmful. The booklet provides tips on how
    everybody can help prevent the substances from entering the water cycle.

    Further information and order
    Micropollutants in the water cycle

DWA Landesverband Baden-Württemberg
Rennstraße 8 | 70499 Stuttgart | Phone: 0711 89 66 31-0 | E-Mail:

© Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. // (DWA)

DWA Landesverband

Rennstraße 8 | 70499 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 89 66 31-0

© Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. // (DWA)